Saturday, December 23rd – 1:00 p.m.
Five priests will be available.
This will serve as your final opportunity
to go to confession before Christmas.
Christmas Eve Sunday, December 24th
4:00 p.m. Children’s Mass
Celebrant and Homilist – Monsignor Pearson
Organ, Trumpet, and Cantor
6:00 p.m. Evening Mass
Celebrant and Homilist – Father Connall
Symphony Brass, Organ, and Cantor
Christmas Day, Sunday December 25th
12:00 a.m. Midnight Solemn Pontifical Mass
Celebrant and Homilist – Bishop Daly
Symphony Brass, Organ and Cathedral Choir
7:00 a.m. Mass
Celebrant and Homilist – Father Familar
Organ and Cantor
10:00 a.m. Mass
Celebrant – Father Gaines
Homilist – Father Connall
Symphony Brass, Organ, and Cathedral Choir